Content written by attorneys for attorneys

Don’t be Shocked – Every Law Practice Needs an Online Presence

08 Feb
Succesful Law Practice Counselors smiling and talking to each other holding an open ethics book discussing attorney advertising with a bookshelf and law books in the background

Operate a successful law practice

Successful law practices can net compensation in excess of one million dollars per year, but getting there is no cake-walk.

You may have the right stuff to rise all the way to the top as a legal expert in your field, but to run a successful law practice is another story. For successful legal practitioners the “right stuff” includes:

  • passion for excellence,
  • scholarly expertise,
  • soft skills,
  • a well-developed business network, and
  • many years of practical experience.

While career trajectory and advancement depends largely on success in a court or board room, having a successful law practice derives from a founders’ ability to sign up paying clients. So how should a competent attorney connect with potential clients?

The answer is attorney advertising.

A Successful Law Practice Needs Paying Clients

A female lawyer in professional attire crouched as in a starting position on a white background to signify the need to start attorney advertising to have a successful law practiceTanya M., runs the administrative appeal group in the litigation division of a well-regarded regional law firm in the Northeast United States.  She is well-heeled, well-spoken, and a very well-compensated junior partner.

Tanya wants to bring more business to the law firm and create a successful law practice so she can become a senior partner.  She wants to secure her position in the group, save her division from layoffs and maintain her equity position.

Sitting in her office late one weekend night, she has a brilliant idea!

By utilizing her extensive expertise litigating complex administrative matters, the group could combine with a severely under-performing insurance defense group, represent individuals instead of corporations, and expand into national plaintiff-side products liability class actions.

After making a few quick calculations, Tanya determines that under favorable conditions this potential new legal endeavor could be wildly profitable.  One such favorable condition is the successful implementation of a national attorney advertising campaign to generate the client base for class actions.

The critical question: May Tanya market her firm’s legal services directly to the public via telecommunications, traditional print media, or internet advertising to generate necessary client leads?

The answer is yes.

ABA Model Rules

According to the ABA Model Rules Section 7.2:

ABA Model Rules of Professional ConductAn attorney may advertise services through written, recorded or electronic communication, including public media,” as long as the communication complies with the interrelated ABA rules, i.e., the standard of truthfulness in specific categories of attorney communications set forth in ABA Model Rules of Professional Conduct Section 7.1 and the prohibition of attorney solicitation of specific categories of potential client matters addressed in Section 7.3.

Online Ethical Attorney Advertising 

Even though the outcome of a given individual disciplinary proceeding cannot be anticipated, it is plain as day that legal advertising has evolved and will continue to do so along with the internet. For the first time ever, proper internet advertising makes it possible to grow a successful legal practice without reliance on traditional legal marketing methods.

This is great news for lawyers because attorney advertising is one of the best ways to communicate with potential clients, seize new opportunities and grow a successful law practice.

Take it in Stride, But Get on it!

Although the internet has brought new life to legal marketing, even lifted or relaxed certain archaic restrictions, it has in no way removed attorney advertising barriers completely. A successful law practice can only stay successful by remaining true to the canons of professional conduct.

There are negative consequences for the unwary legal practitioner who neglects attorney advertising rules, especially when writing content for legal marketing. Whether knowingly or unknowingly, they become a risk-taker if they place their trust in a content writer with little to no true familiarity of attorney advertising rules. They risk their biggest asset, their legal license.

Unethical attorney advertising consequences can be avoided by working with a content professional that knows the law, attorney advertising rules and legal content writing best practices.

Good News for the Law Profession

In sum, the news is good all around the legal industry. Whether a solo practitioner just starting your business, or a seasoned law firm partner looking to expand an already successful law practice – working with a competent legal content writer knowledgeable of Section 7.2 and its jurisdictional variations is a reality.

A competent legal content writing professional will ensure you navigate the limitless potential of attorney advertising without wrecking yourself. Call 929-400-3282 or email us at

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