Content written by attorneys for attorneys

5 Tips on How to Write a Short Blog Post for a Law Firm Website

03 Apr
What type of legal blog post works best concept with icons representing blogging such as a computer monitor, book, pencil, image, music note, play button

So you want to know how to write a short blog post for a law firm website? Want to be brief and to the point, but still get across as much as possible? A fine balance to strike with any content, especially legal content.

Here are some pointers on how to write a short blog post for a law firm website.

Tip 1: Choose a single topic and do not elaborate

Pick a practice area and a general topic. Then choose a narrow issue that clients frequently face.

Do not overload the reader. Give them something that will help them understand their situation.

Ideally, save them time or money. Unless your strategy calls for it, avoid the legalese detail.

Tip 2: Use headings and subheadings to draw readers in

Readers scan web content before they commit to reading it. Stimulate their interest to read further, otherwise all your hard work is a lost cause.

Captivate your readers’ attention with appealing headings. Your headings should be an extension of the main title or blog topic, make them interesting or informative. Otherwise use rich media or visual cues.

Tip 3: Change your font for certain phrases, keywords or messages

If you want a certain phrase, keyword or message to jump out at the reader, change the font.

A typical practice is to bold, italicize or underline. It is also common to change the font color, size or style.

It’s okay to be creative and try different tactics, just don’t overdo it.

Tip 4: Use links to other blog posts if you have more to say

Seemingly simple or narrow legal issue have nuances. Much depends on actual facts, jurisdiction, state vs federal, and so on.

The best way to get more across without overloading the reader is to break up the information across multiple blog posts.

Use anchor texts, which when clicked will take the reader to another post.

Rinse and repeat. Create a content funnel leading to more posts. Improves readability and overall quality score.

Tip 5: Be wary, avoid the mistake of giving actual legal advice

Lawyers have stringent ethical rules. Avoid giving legal advice, it may inadvertently create an attorney-client relationship.

Besides proper disclaimers, use a hypothetical.

  1. Dedicate a paragraph for the hypothetical situation – the “made-up” facts that lead to the issue and analysis. Identify the issue and start a general analysis, do not necessarily finish it.
  2. In subsequent paragraphs, explain potential problems, strengths or weaknesses, and cite laws without suggesting an outcome. Be relevant, but not overtly specific.
  3. Provide more than one potential outcome for the hypothetical, or at least create a “but if” paragraph if possible.
  4. In your last paragraph, finish off with a soft tone disclaimer (i.e. “Your situation will be different, this is merely a hypothetical”), and recommend the reader seek an attorney.
  5. Suggest contacting your law firm. Impress the reader, provide a link to cases won by your law firm. Include the appropriate “prior results do not guarantee similar outcomes” disclaimer.

There is so much more to write about, but this blog post on how to write a short blog post has surpassed its intended length.

To learn more, contact us for legal content writing services or advice. We really enjoy crafting legal content and want to help you in any way we can.

We are here to help!

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